

3 MORE Ways to Build Value into Your Software Offering

It happens more often than you think …

One of your top competitors calls your customer with an “almost-too-good-to-pass-up” offer to switch to their software.

And it’s not just any customer of yours that they call. It’s John … 5-years-a-customer, sends-in-referrals-all-the-time, speaks-highly-of-your-company-any-chance-he-gets-on-social-media John.

Fortunately for you, John doesn’t think twice when he gets this call. He politely thanks your competitor for the offer, then starts singing praises about your software and your company.

Done. Conversation over. All’s good.

Convenience Fees & Surcharges: What’s the Difference? What’s Permitted? What’s Not?

“What’s a convenience fee?” … “Who can charge one?” … “How does it differ from a surcharge? …What if I’m a government agency, a school, college or university? What’s allowed?”

Understanding the two types of fees — what they are, what’s permitted, and who can charge them — is enough to make anyone’s head spin.

That said, this article is written to shed some light on the subject and hopefully provide clarity around what can be a very confusing topic. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to send us an email or call 888.248.7060.